Campus Location:
3728 East Berry Street
Fort Worth, Texas
Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 51240
Fort Worth, Texas 76105-8240
Worship & Study Schedule:
8 am-8:50 am Prayer Focus
9 am-9:50 am School of Discipleship
10 am Empowerment Worship Service
6:30 pm SundayNightLIVE!
Wednesday Nite Unplugged:
6-6:45 pm Family Meal
6:50 pm The REMIX
7 pm Pastor's Created-to-Win
Mentorship Class
Pastoral Ministries . These are ministries devised to provide breadth and depth of care through the involvement of a wide range of caring persons.
Altar Guild. The Altar Guild lovingly serves the Senior Pastor and his family through prayers, financial support, encouraging words, and deeds.
Baptism Committee. Assist the pastor in preparing for and administering baptism.
Couples in Christ. To bring married couples together to create a God-honoring marriage that thrives on commitment, intimacy, and growth.
Diaconate. As extended arms of the Senior Pastor, the Diaconate ministers to the congregation as his representatives in matters that will further the growth of the individual member and the corporate body.
Men Of Vision & Excellence (MOVE). MOVE exists to inform, motivate, and involve men and boys in praying, studying God's Word, enlisting other men and boys, giving generously in support of the church's mission and ministry, and bearing witness of Christ to their community and the world.
Pastor's 3.0. To encourage and cultivate the character of Christ in students and promote the understanding of Christian identity and Baptist distinctives.
Welcome Class. Introduces new members to GSSFC's mission and vision.
Women Of the Word (WOW). WOW exists to love and honor God by training women and girls in Biblical principles for spiritual growth, and for building relationships in order to involve them in service to our changing world.
Youth Alive! invites youth to live "God-fashioned lives" and to grow as followers of Jesus Christ in their various social, educational, and familial contexts.
XYZ (Xtra Years of Zest). XYZ seeks to honor God by providing opportunities for mature adults, ages 55 and beyond, to grow spiritually, fellowship with one another and reach lost and un-churched mature adults. Through Bible studies, outreach opportunities and involvement in various ministries, this ministry also encourages mature adults not to "retire" in their service to God through Jesus Christ.
Fiscal Ministries . Responsible for funding the mission and ministry of GSSFC.
Counting Committee. The counting committee is responsible for the counting, recording and depositing into the appropriate bank account of the church all funds collected by the church.
Trustees. To faithfully care for and maintain all areas of the church property. These duties include maintaining the building and grounds, ensuring that all equipment is in proper working order, and to assure the proper preparation of the sanctuary and church campus for worship and special events.
Worship Enhancement Fiscal Ministries . Worship Ministries exists to empower and assist the local church in its worship and outreach efforts, wherever in the world that assistance is needed, with the goal of seeing vibrant communities of faith which "proclaim the glories of Him who called us out of darkness and into His marvelous light."
Doorkeepers. To assist the various and important needs of the worship service (greeting and seating worship guests, distributing worship folders and other worship-related items), receiving and presenting the offerings, to maintain order and reverence during the service.
Interpretive Dance Ministry. exists to bring praise and glory to God through dance.
Keepers of the Feast. Responsible for the preparation of the Lord's Supper and the upkeep of the linen and trays used in the observance of this ordinance.
Music Ministry. To glorify God through music in all gatherings and presentations. The mission of the music ministry supports the mission of the entire Greater St. Stephen First Church Family.
Dan Daniels Singing Men
Ecclesiastes 12:1
Howard-Christian-Barbee Mission Chorus
Rufus Wms. Jr. Chancel Choir
Voices of Excellence
Pearls of Praise. The purpose of the drama ministry is to minister to the believer as well as the unbeliever through various plays and skits.
Nurture Ministries . Christian education.
Joel C. Pullam Resource & Lending Library. Provide and promote the use of wholesale media for reaching, teaching, training and growing persons.
Pastor's Created-2-Win. Equipping the saints with Biblical principles that will enable them to fulfill God's purposes for their lives.
School of Discipleship. The Church organized to accomplish her mission.
Outreach Ministries. Leads the Church in fleshing out the Great Commission.
FirsTMedia provides CDs and DVDs of worship sermons.
Food Pantry collects and distributes non-perishable foods to the needy.
Healthcare is committed to educating the congregation and community about physical health issues .
S.W.A.T. (Soul Winning Action Team). Evangelism and witness training, systematic outreach.
Transportation. Transportation to and from worship, and other church related opportunities.